i hate LCHC. except for Bad Brains.
come back cause im gonna be a lonely girl again
Age 28
flight simulator
Joined on 9/11/09
i hate LCHC. except for Bad Brains.
Same old shit, you bro?
Not so good. I'm about to get an operation to remove my internal penis.
That sucks bad.
and testicles.
Even worse, but you'll get a nifty vagina am i right?
Actually I had one of those already. These were on the inside.
Ohhh, hope the doc doesn't fuck up.
The good thing is if the vagina gets damaged I have spare male genitalia to replace it.
Awesome bro!
Try some Rolling stones, Pearl jam or some Nirvanna
Listened to the stones and Nirvanna, great bands. Haven't had a chance to listen to Pearl Jam.
What do you mean when you say my account used to be an alt but now it's a permanent account?
What I mean is that I made this account only to use when I was banned but one day I just gave up on the main account and transferred to this one. It's like having a beach house and one day you just pack up and move to the beach house.
What was your original account?
i like that song
A classic.
kitty krew sux
I <3 you.
real n***a roll call n***as bleed jigga my n***a n***as for life real n***as don't die shame on a n***a sucka n***a ain't no n***a
I don't need to be a nigga i got all mah chicken nig!
09' fag.
im actually an 08er dumb bimbo faggot.
coment left
Meh, not the best I've heard. Try What A horrible Night To Have A Curse and Miasma by Black Dahlia Murder and Blinded by Fear by At The Gates.
How dare you question me FU!!! lol jk.
Give me $20 and i'm yours for the night.
Your so hardcore
I know. I once stubbed my toe and only cried for eight hours.
im more into paramore and relient k
Cool with me, I don't judge.
your sign up date is awesome
I know, embrace it in glory.